About us


Mindspace is a not-for-profit organization focused on making the city more liveable. For the past 10 years, we have been actively organizing events and mediated between people, neighbourhoods, districts and other stakeholders to reach this goal.

It is our aim to not only build bridges, but contribute actively to cooperation, be it between municipalities, institutions, city-dwellers or economic decision-makers.

We are ready to apply the rich toolkit of social inclusion to enable participatory processes, wherever facilitation is genuinely an accessible and useful method.


Urban visioneering, urbanistics and all-in placemaking

We like to think systematically and observe the interaction between city and its dweller. We concentrate on the sustainability of urban life, limiting our environmental footprint and on fostering lifestyles that are more present and conscious. We fill squares with new life and functions, establishing meeting points. And beyond, we interpret the city in a broader framework and are able to cooperate professionally in creating visions and realising concrete plans.

Creative communications

We are comfortable with both old school and innovative communications. We get to know the target audience and assess what approach would work given the project at hand. We experiment with both content and form. We do all sorts of communications print zines to online campaigns, to managing social media presence, offline comms. Everything that is necessary for your message to click.


Groups, teams, organizations and firms. They all have one thing in common: there is a multitude of group members and it can always work better. We listen, help manage processes, point to the human dynamics involved and work together with our partners to make urban planning projects more efficient and more creative.

Event planning

Event planning at Mindspace is a colorful exercise as we are active in organizing camps for underprivileged children, professional programs and many more. We have overseen the planning of a three-day festival at the Rákóczi square market hall and operate a community breakfast at the same location weekly. We do street suppers, workshops on conscious living, presentations, professional gatherings as well as city walking tours. All the same, inventing something brand new in the realm of events is to our greatest delight.

Community building

Essentially, community building is at the core of each of our activities. We seek and track the power that is had by real contact beyond the online universe. The question is how contact can be established and sustainably maintained in respectful, human ways. Be it between kids, seniors, students or neighbours, there is something for everyone at our events. Should we foray into unchartered territory, we keep listening so that we can find our place and learn how to manage relations in an organic fashion.


Shared Cities: Creative Momentum

We participate in this European cultural platform addressing the challenges posed by urbanistics and urban communities. In part thanks to the help of the program, we have begun our projects focusing on the Market Hall district, including the Rákoczi Kartell and the 8oldal initiatives.

CaPE and the 8th district municipal government - TérKöz Program

Working together with the Civilians for the Palace District Organization, we have helped to plan several community events in the Palace District. The TérKöz program is all about making community building a reality while executing infrastructural and architectural changes. Notable examples are the Bródy Street Fest and the Palotalap publication.

CSAPI - Rákóczi Square Market Hall

In cooperation with the Market Hall Department of the City of Budapest, we planned a series of events at the Rákóczi street Market Hall.

V4 - 4 cities, 4 markets

The aim of the project subsidized by Visegrád Fund is to re-think the role of markets and market halls in today’s modern societies.

NewPilgrimAge - Interreg

The aim of the project is for participant cities to preserve and relive the cultural heritage of Saint Martin, along with the solidarity and hospitality that is tied to his name. The cooperation with a string of European cities always has a touch of Saint Martin to it.


Szilvia Zsargó, Ádám Kobrizsa


those, who helped for Mindspace

Bánfi Norbert · Benedek Áron · Babai Dénes · Brzoboháty Peti · Boros Ádám · Buczkó Bence · Budai Balázs · Czobor Szabi · Dalos Eszter · Elek Zsófi · Gunther Dóri · Háznagy Gáspár · Horváth Győző · Jaskó Bálint · Jávor Zsófi · Kiss Dávid · Kovács Matyi · Kreiss Fanni · Kuslits Máté · Lang Ádám · Hanna MacDonald · Madácsi Flóra · Major Réka · Málnás Eszter · Nánási Emese · Frank Meijer · Pignitzky Ágó · Pintér Pálma · Pusztai Lola · Rác Zsuzsi · Regőczi Marci · Rehling Berci · Rózsavölgyi Andrea · Daan Sanders · Simonyi Kristóf · Simonyi Cecília · Sipos Márti · Sipos Balázs · Somló Dávid · Szász Marci · Szekeres Heléna · Szigeti Árpi · Szollár András · Tamási Judit · Tettamanti Zsófi · Thury Lili · Szabó Veron · Varga Cili · Vértesi Maya · Vida Vera · Virág Balu · Zsemlye Flóra and many more


It almost all started at the office of the Hungarian Cyclists' Club

We, the founders of Mindspace always think back with great joy to the period between 2008 and 2010 spent at the Hungarian Bike Club. This is where we first met and had a chance to work on projects for the first time that changed our lives in the longer term. The spirit of Mindspace was born during an unforgettable bike trip involving 50 people and stretching a whopping 1000 kilometers. We can call ourselves lucky for the memories we took away from this trip and also, we can say that this experience made it possible for us to get some on-the-ground knowledge on how the causes of city biking and a liveable city can be advocated. It feels great to think back on all the talented and committed folks we have had to privilege to meet and work with, many of whom subsequently decided to take on the cause as a new vocation.

Danube flow - Danube call!

After Mindspace was founded in 2012, we immediately took to spread the word on how fantastic the Danube and its banks are. For for years, we organized the Dabube flow! Series, overseeing over 30 events, linking various non-conformal educational and cultural stakeholders and collaborated with partners.

From smart city to gamification to Budapest in 100 words

Beginning in 2014, we have made efforts to make the seemingly confusing terms of smart city and gamification accessible through practical examples. We organized gamified conferences and urban games in not only Budapest. We started a website at martcitybudapest.eu where we collect Hungarian projects which fit in one way or another into the concept of smart cities. At the same time, the storytelling competition “Budapest in 100 words” was launched.

Palace District and Market Hall district in practice

Starting in 2017, we have gradually laid the emphasis of our activities on the axis between Rákoczi square and Mikszáth square in Budapest’s 8th district. What moved us was to figure out how we can make this part of town more liveable and more interesting, and how we can bring its people together. During the past 2 years, we have established meeting points and used creative ideas to bring the locals, the institutions and the environment closer to each other. This is why we organized the weekly community breakfasts and other cultural events at the market hall, the camp for underprivileged children on the square or the history and criminology walks in the Market Hall district. We wanted to demonstrate that opening toward one another was a worthwhile practice, so that visiting, living, working and creating here all become better.

Data protection

Mindspace Nonprofit Kft. (Hereinafter:organization) shall, by publishing this Data Protection Notice, comply with the obligation to provide prior information required for the treatment of personal data by the parties concerned under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL , in a concise, transparent, comprehensible and easily accessible form, shall be made available in a clear and unambiguous manner to those concerned by data handling.

Data controller

Company name: Mindspace Nonprofit Kft.
Headquarters: 9026 Győr, Hédervári u. 49th
Company registration number: 0809022907
Tax number: 23750483-2-08
Name of Representative: Ádám Kobrizsa
E-Mail: info@mindspace.hu
Website: http://mindspace.hu/en


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A series of seemingly random events led me to parking my bike at the bike stand in front of Cafe Lumen on a sunny May morning. Entering a new context again and again in the recent years - I learned to take in whatever experience I had waiting for me.


How would a Croatian student reduce the eco footprint of Rijeka? What does a Polish pupil think about environmental protection? And what common ideas do they have connected to ‘Little Danube’ Bay? Environmental Protection in Focus workshop was held in September in Csepel, Budapest.


On behalf of the Centre for Budapest Transport (Budapesti Közlekedési Központ, BKK) we participated in the Car-Free Day event with a booth connected to Smart City in Budapest in 2013.


The project aims to create an interactive social playground that focuses on environmental education. Kikapocs shows the complexity of the nature, the built and social environment on the basis of “Get Inspired by the Elements”.


On 29th July the main events of this year’s Danube Flow –Danube’s calling ‘13 series of programmes ended with “Danube Day” in Budapest. Similarly to last year we organized our events with our partners together on the Danube embankment on special days.

