

Mindspace Nonprofit Ltd. | | 1082 Budapest, Baross u. 88. |
Tax number: 23750483-2-08 | Budapest - Hungary

On the first of Februrary we posted 'Get active for your city' - a youth exchange project - and another great project for the EACEA - Active European Citizens. We keep our fingers crossed.


On the 11th of March, at Brody Studio we have launched our programme for 2013. Besides our partners and sponsors, we invited representatives of other organisations who have some relation with the Danube.


The workshop was really informative for Mindpspace. We need such events to network and learn about plans and initiatives. Active investors’ participation is essential in creating a smarter city for everyone to enjoy Budapest and the Danube.


What motivates you in your work?
At one point in my working life I understood that I am not only selling my manpower but also my lifetime and I figured that money cannot pay for that. This got me thinking about what I want to do with my lifetime, how I want to live and work. This is what I try to put into practice with Büchertisch.


How can the theories and research help effectively the transition processes in practice?
The transition theories are useful to think about these changes in a systematic, systemic way. We need to know that introduction of a hydrogen car in the streets of Budapest requires not only the production of such a car itself but also maintenance stations, refuelling posts, regulations.

