

Mindspace Nonprofit Ltd. | | 1082 Budapest, Baross u. 88. |
Tax number: 23750483-2-08 | Budapest - Hungary

Within the Hug the Danube program people form a chain around the river on the Erzsébet Bridge and Liberty Bridge and along the wharf, to draw the attention of the city dwellers.


Our pioneers’ summer assignment was to develop on concepts of climate-innovation. Our group formed around the idea of designing simple games for climate-change related education of children - and thus extend the already existing Get Inspired by the Elements toolkit of Mindspace.


The first week of October took us to Wroclaw, to attend a conference where we presented Mindspace and our project "Paving the way to a smart city".


This year we have been partners of two Slovakian events, thanks to the successful Visegrad Fund proposals of the Back-space and the KC Dunaj organisations. In July we visited the Pohoda Festival, where to we organised Hungarian participants to an interactive talk on the KC Dunaj and Visegrad Fund stage.


During my placement I obtained a lot of useful information thanks to my host and I could get in touch with several different organizations which could be interesting for Mindspace in future collaboration of smart city projects. Just one to be mentioned: the “Desayuno con Viandantes”.

