SHARED CITIES: Creative Momentum (SCCM) is on a mission to improve the quality of life in European cities. By exploring aspects of sharing and urban design we are creating new ways of living in our cities. Together.

Shared Cities: Creative Momentum is a seminal four-year cultural project that brings together eleven partners from seven major European cities: Belgrade, Berlin, Bratislava, Budapest, Katowice, Prague and Warsaw. SCCM establishes an international network for a creative discourse at the intersection of architecture, art, urbanism and the sharing economy to contribute to the transformation of urban spaces. From 2016 to 2020 more than 150 activities will take place, encompassing festivals, films, exhibitions, artists’ residencies or case studies. The project’s ambition is to show urban citizens that their participation and cooperation is essential for creating a pleasant and valuable urban environment. The project’s creative centre is Prague where the Goethe-Institut, Czech Centres and the reSITE organisation form its core team.

Who: 11 partners from 6 countries

Domains: Architecture, urbanism, art and design, participation

Activities: Festivals, films, exhibitions, workshops, residencies, research and case studies

When: June 2016 – February 2020

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Shared Cities: Creative Momentum (SCCM) is a European cultural platform addressing the contemporary urban challenges of European cities. SCCM is a joint project of Goethe-Institut (DE), Czech Centres (CZ), reSITE (CZ), Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (SK), Association of Belgrade Architects (RS), Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre – KÉK (HU), Katowice City of Gardens (PL), KUNSTrePUBLIK (DE), Mindspace (HU), Old Market Hall Alliance (SK), Res Publica – Cities Magazine (PL). Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Activities in Budapest by Mindspace

Summer of 2016 - Summer of 2017

+ pop-up office and community place on Mikszáth square than in Horánszky street
+ lectures
+ "What's up" series of talks
+ KÉK institutional meetings

Autumn of 2017

+ I. Rákóczisquaring
pop-up functions and workshops in the market hall
market hall event
photo serie of Miklós Déri

Winter of 2017- Spring of 2018

+ Józsefvárosi discussions, meetings and community event planning
+ 8oldal urban zines
+ Space sensation workshops with Dávid Somló

+ Rákóczi Kartell start
pop-up office in Vásár street
opening of shops and galleries surrounding the Market hall
Budapest Art Residency

+ Rákóczi community breakfast start

+ II. Rákóczisquaring
connecting to Bp100 event
Rákóczi kartell's events
Events in the Market hall

Summer of 2018 - Autumn of 2018

+ workshop on reSITE festival
+ I. Rákóczi vacation
+ urban walks
+ Design thinking workshop (PIP)

+ III. Rákóczisquaring
SCCM partner meeting
Pecha Kucha night
Community office in the Market hall
Plant exchange

Winter of 2018 - Spring of 2019

+ Christmas craft fair
+ Survey in the Market Hall
+ Eastern craft fair

+ Rákócity, urban lab
Rákóczi Oasis
exhibition of Koltay Dorottya and Czvetkó Fruzsi
space senstion workshop of Somló Dávid
"investigation office" of Erdei Kriszta
open space of Holy Olga
contemporary portrait painting club

+ IV. Rákóczisquaring
Rákóczi catch the flag game
Urban game

Summer of 2019 - Winter of 2019

+ participation on International Market Conference, London
+ II. Rákóczi vacation

+ V. Rákóczisquaring
"Last breakfast"
Open call for drowings
V4 market halls guided tour

+ Rákóczi Christmas

More details on Smart City Budapest Initiative website

Shared cities: Creative Momentum 2016-2020

We wanted to bring together people around the neighbourhood for one more time to enjoy a nice breakfast with live music, join our sustainability workshops with Verkstaden and Durca, and come with us for a historic walk around the area.


We kicked off the new season by reimagining BRFK Gallery. The new place, called Rákócity became an urban lab with exhibitions and project focusing on the neighbourhood. The first event was Rákóczi Rekreáció, a "recreational center". We filled up the place with donated plants, heaters, nice smells and some hot tea.


With a little rest after Rákóczi Vacation we continued some of our already existing project and started planning for the new ones for the second half of the year. The fall-winter season was almost as busy and exciting as the summer.


Beginning with March 2018, we straightened out our winter visions; lined up Rákóczi Cartel, signed lease contracts, whitewashed, cleaned up and moved in the vacant stores around Rákóczi Market.


After the autumn defibrillation of Rákóczi Square we were already pondering about the future of the Market Hall’s neighborhood and on how to open up possibilities for the revived community. As usually we exploited the cold winter days to get and think together, share visions of the Rákóczy-Horánszky Axis and enlarge our networks during some Monday night Józsefváros discussions.


Short summary about our one and a half years activities in Shared Cities: Creative Momentum project.

From visioning to planning. 
What is the meaning of "Shared" for us?


We were interested in the future of cities, the trend of individual and community involvement and in what the main challenges are that in general the population, and in smaller scale the inhabitants of Budapest has to face with. 10 weeks 21 guests.

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