SZJA 1 % a Mindspace csapatának

Támogassátok a munkánkat az SZJA 1%-kal!

Adószámunk: 23750483-1-08

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A járványveszély miatt a Mindspace csapata is kénytelen az összes tavaszra tervezett programját bizonytalan időre elhalasztani.

Pedig, ahogy megszokhattátok, tavaszra rengeteg programmal készültünk. Folytatódott volna a Kreatív Bürokrácia beszélgetéssorozat, a Rákóczi Reggeli, a Kisiparos Vásár, a Bródy utca szomszédságépítő programsorozat és még sok minden. Ha lesz rá lehetőségünk, igyekszünk bepótolni programokat, bízunk a legjobb forgatókönyvben.

Addig is vigyázzatok magatokra és egymásra!

The newer elements of the complete package are the sturgeon puzzle whose prototype has been given by Pisztrángkör Association, and Bálint Jaskó’s oneman performance for children “The life of a drop”.


When in March I learnt about the possibility of participating in Pioneers into Practice program I did not know much about transition neither how a non-profit organization operates.


We have entered the final phase of arrangements for the Hungarian part of the DunaVision project, which was started last autumn. The Pro-action Café provided an excellent warm up for this upcoming Danube-Dialog forum, which will take place 14th- 16th June.


“Rivershow” took place on the 20th of March in Esztergom. The aim of the event was to give insights about the present state of the 3rd priority of the Danube Strategy which is the most relevant priority to us. (More about the PA3:


The "DunaVision - the Caravan of Change" is a series of events over 6 months along 3000 km of the Danube with the aim to promote sustainable and human centered development. Participants from various organizations and backgrounds travel and meet via a wide range of programs and conferences to exchange their experiences.

