SZJA 1 % a Mindspace csapatának

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Adószámunk: 23750483-1-08

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A járványveszély miatt a Mindspace csapata is kénytelen az összes tavaszra tervezett programját bizonytalan időre elhalasztani.

Pedig, ahogy megszokhattátok, tavaszra rengeteg programmal készültünk. Folytatódott volna a Kreatív Bürokrácia beszélgetéssorozat, a Rákóczi Reggeli, a Kisiparos Vásár, a Bródy utca szomszédságépítő programsorozat és még sok minden. Ha lesz rá lehetőségünk, igyekszünk bepótolni programokat, bízunk a legjobb forgatókönyvben.

Addig is vigyázzatok magatokra és egymásra!

What do you consider the greatest success in the past years?
I consider the international congresses organized and held in Hungary a great success (e.g. 2nd Pannonia Pathology Congress) and the communication channels were also renewed, where the patients can get information on task and role of Pathology as a discipline.


What inspired you to create a green website?
his is how the idea came to start our own “green” portal. Luckily in our circle of friends we had both a web designer, who could do the whole development on his own, and a professional, who wanted to try out journalism. The website became a great reference to both of them for their later jobs, so everyone has won with the “Clean Future” site.


How would you like to see yourselves in 5 years? What are your plans for the future?
In a more professional way, reaching even more people, would like to show to the widest audience possible that biking is cheap, easy, fast and is available for everyone. I would like to learn more about the city functions, urban development and commuting that I can integrate to my work.


What and when inspired the birth of the Retextil technique and method?
It came from my own life: I was at home after giving birth to many children and I somehow wanted to ease our financial situation and the difficulties caused by our old house. I started to weave rugs and after finishing around fifty of them the idea came to step out from this simple system. After 3 years of thinking I had the method in my head.


Can this technology cause socio-innovation changes in the future?
This technology will change the way of thinking also in the risky areas of natural catastrophes. For instance, nowadays if a dam breaks up, the houses on the other side will drown and be destroyed. But you could add some Styrofoam to the foundation of the movable houses, so the houses could easily float on the water and stay in good condition.

