
kobrizsa's picture

Studied Civil Engeneering and Sociology in Budapest, Hungary. Worked as engineer in the field of water management and ecology, worked for Hungarian Cyclists' Club and other nonprofit organization as project manager and communication expert.

In 2010 established a web and online communication company, called Mindforum. In parallel, he also founded a nonprofit company too, called Mindspace to raise awareness about smart city concept, take actions for better cities and non-formal education in the field of sustainability.

He is co-owner of Lumen Cafe and Bar in Budapest from 2013. From 2014 he is a member of the Children of the Elements startup team to work on children stories on tablets for the global market.

We wanted to bring together people around the neighbourhood for one more time to enjoy a nice breakfast with live music, join our sustainability workshops with Verkstaden and Durca, and come with us for a historic walk around the area.


We kicked off the new season by reimagining BRFK Gallery. The new place, called Rákócity became an urban lab with exhibitions and project focusing on the neighbourhood. The first event was Rákóczi Rekreáció, a "recreational center". We filled up the place with donated plants, heaters, nice smells and some hot tea.


With a little rest after Rákóczi Vacation we continued some of our already existing project and started planning for the new ones for the second half of the year. The fall-winter season was almost as busy and exciting as the summer.


Beginning with March 2018, we straightened out our winter visions; lined up Rákóczi Cartel, signed lease contracts, whitewashed, cleaned up and moved in the vacant stores around Rákóczi Market.


After the autumn defibrillation of Rákóczi Square we were already pondering about the future of the Market Hall’s neighborhood and on how to open up possibilities for the revived community.


Short summary about our one and a half years activities in Shared Cities: Creative Momentum project.

From visioning to planning. 
What is the meaning of "Shared" for us?


Budapest is an open book, you just have to look around and read through the lines. Grinding trams, young lovers in the Karolyi Garden, tourist flood at the Great Market Hall, pigeons in the underpasses.


Four days of workshops, conference and happenings about the Rakoczi square, on the Rakoczi square, with people from the Rakoczi square.


We were interested in the future of cities, the trend of individual and community involvement and in what the main challenges are that in general the population, and in smaller scale the inhabitants of Budapest has to face with. 10 weeks 21 guests.


How did you feel on your commute to your workplace this morning?
Imagine your feelings on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. As you were thinking about how you felt and tried to put a number on it, you likely realized that it’s difficult to capture emotions in a quantitative, data-based way.
