SZJA 1 % a Mindspace csapatának

Támogassátok a munkánkat az SZJA 1%-kal!

Adószámunk: 23750483-1-08

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A járványveszély miatt a Mindspace csapata is kénytelen az összes tavaszra tervezett programját bizonytalan időre elhalasztani.

Pedig, ahogy megszokhattátok, tavaszra rengeteg programmal készültünk. Folytatódott volna a Kreatív Bürokrácia beszélgetéssorozat, a Rákóczi Reggeli, a Kisiparos Vásár, a Bródy utca szomszédságépítő programsorozat és még sok minden. Ha lesz rá lehetőségünk, igyekszünk bepótolni programokat, bízunk a legjobb forgatókönyvben.

Addig is vigyázzatok magatokra és egymásra!

Short summary about our one and a half years activities in Shared Cities: Creative Momentum project.

From visioning to planning. 
What is the meaning of "Shared" for us?


Budapest is an open book, you just have to look around and read through the lines. Grinding trams, young lovers in the Karolyi Garden, tourist flood at the Great Market Hall, pigeons in the underpasses.


Four days of workshops, conference and happenings about the Rakoczi square, on the Rakoczi square, with people from the Rakoczi square.


We were interested in the future of cities, the trend of individual and community involvement and in what the main challenges are that in general the population, and in smaller scale the inhabitants of Budapest has to face with. 10 weeks 21 guests.


How did you feel on your commute to your workplace this morning?
Imagine your feelings on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst and 10 being the best. As you were thinking about how you felt and tried to put a number on it, you likely realized that it’s difficult to capture emotions in a quantitative, data-based way.

